Solar System Repair

Solar System Service and Repair in Orange and Bathurst

As a homeowner, you want to make your home energy-efficient both for the environmental benefits and for the benefit of reduced utility bills. At Dynamic Solar, we understand the importance of energy efficiency, which is why we specialise in installing, repairing and replacing solar systems.

If you have already had a solar system installed for your home but you have noticed that it is deteriorating or has failed, contact us for a solar system service. Our qualified electricians will diagnose, repair or replace components as required. We proudly serve those in Orange and Bathurst and look forward to helping you with your repair needs.

When might you need a solar system repair?

Solar systems can require repair for a number of reasons, including normal wear and tear or aging. However, solar systems can also become damaged by weather. If a storm has recently passed through your neighbourhood and affected your solar system, contact Dynamic Solar. We can inspect your solar system for any damage and repairs that might need to be conducted.

What kind of solar systems can be repaired?

At Dynamic Solar, we install and repair a wide range of solar systems, including grid-connect, off-grid and battery-hybrid systems. Whether your solar system is connected to the grid or not, we promise to repair your specific system with care and precision. We do not believe in a standardised repair strategy. We understand that each system and household is different with varying needs and problems. 

What materials are used for the repairs?

We conduct repairs with only the most reputable and sustainable parts. Our products come with varying warranty lengths, so check out our website to learn more about our warranty offerings.

We also use technology to continue monitoring your system to ensure it remains functioning after we conduct repairs. If anything malfunctions, we pride ourselves on our excellent after-sales support.

Call us today on 02 6365 5047 to learn more about your solar system repair options. 

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